This product is used if you ONLY need a State of Illinois background check – this will not work for licensure.
This product is for Out of State UCIA fingerprints that have their fingerprint cards and want to pay in a secure environment, prior to sending their cards to us for scanning. Process – Submit payment, download the forms below, and mail forms with completed fingerprint cards to the address on the forms. This product is used for expungement and reviews.
The cost is $45 and includes scanning, submission to the State of Illinois
DOWN LOAD – required forms here – Forms can be found here
Send forms and completed fingerprint cards to us for processing. We process the same day and email you the receipts and TCN number. If you prepaid, do not send additional payment.
Please NOTE – we assign the TCN number after we scan the cards into the system, do not use the TCN number on the State of Illinois forms.